The Story Behind #MeetTheMembers

The Backstory Of #MeetTheMembers

As many of you know, I have had a private Facebook Group community for interior designers for the past 5 years called #DesignWealth. It’s a positive, vibrant community of approx. 1550 interior designers from all over the USA and Canada.

Everyday, 7 days a week, we talk about everything relating to the interior design and furniture industry in this community, but the overall focus so far, has been on helping everyone there learn how to generate 24/7 wealth through their websites. There’s so much free, searchable content there, all of it valuable and much of it contributed by other members of the community, too, besides me.

Fast forward a bit…

This year, as many of you know, I got very sick in April. I’m now completely healed, but being in the hospital for 2 weeks gave me a lot of time to think and to feel gratitude for the care I was receiving…..but not just the care from my medical team.

I received emotional care from members of my Community, some of whom sent me flowers and gifts in the hospital AND after I got home, even though we’ve never met in real life. They also sent me texts and messages and images by the dozens, every day, to keep my spirits lifted while I went through this health crisis.

When that happened, I really knew then, deep in my heart, that my Community was more than just a place I could possibly generate leads for my business, or help my clients generate leads for theirs - it was a place where people felt genuinely connected to me and appreciative of all they’ve learned there, and not just from me, but from each other.

While in the hospital, I couldn’t move. I had to lay flat on my back for two weeks without eating, but I was able to use my phone to stay connected. I took many pics of the beautiful flowers I received from my community members and said thank you to the senders, online, some of whom you see tagged below in this image I shared in one of my IG Stories from that time.

One of the people who sent me flowers, as you can see, was my good real life friend, Carla Aston. Carla’s been a long time contributor of GREAT information to members of my Community on how to utilize your blog for 24/7 revenue generation. We’ve all learned so much from Carla.

While driving up to Dallas with Carla this past June to attend Lightovation at Dallas Market, we were discussing the upcoming Design Influencers Conference, where Carla will be leading a round table mentoring discussion and where I will be speaking on Online Communities.

Carla suggested to me that I consider spotlighting some of the members of #DesignWealth, and give the members of my community the exclusive ability to ask these design leaders their questions on a live ZOOM Q & A - open only to community members.

I thought that was a great idea, and that’s how #MeetTheMembers was born.

I asked Carla if she would be my first guest, and she said yes.

Since that first #MeetTheMembers in June, there have been 6 additional guests, one each Saturday morning.

After their live Q & A with myself and the members of #DesignWealth who are able to join us for it live on Zoom, I write a Top Takeaways blog post, so everyone can learn from the valuable information shared by these design leaders, too.

Today, I’m sharing each blog post I’ve written so far, in one place. I will add additional images and blogs as they become available so there will always be one post to refer to where you can find everything said by these brilliant and generous design leaders.

Here are the posts:

Carla Aston: Monetizing Your Website or Blog For 24/7 Income

Veronika Eagleson: Influencer Marketing

Lisa Peck: Growing Your Instagram Following and Acquiring Your Ideal Clients

Robin Baron: Product Licensing

Laura Muller: The Impact of Authenticity in Online Branding For New Client Acquisition

Jessica Duce: Vacation Rental Design - What You Need To Know If You're Interested In This Niche

Jennifer Hyman: Combining Careers: Realtor + Interior Designer

Laura Umansky: Structure, Hiring And Cash Flow For Businesses That Want To Scale Up

Thank you, each of you, for sharing your knowledge with such generosity. I appreciate you!

As for me, investing my time in #MeetTheMembers is a wonderful way I can shine a spotlight of appreciation on all of these design leaders who’ve helped to make #DesignWealth the vibrant learning community it is for interior designers.

It also gives me the ability to learn, too, and it gives me content for this blog each week that makes it a genuinely valuable investment of time for interior designers and others in the furniture and home decor industry to subscribe to and read.

I invite you to follow all of these design leaders on Instagram, by clicking on the links below.

And if you’d like to follow me, too:

If you’re an interior designer reading this, and you’re not yet a member of #DesignWealth, but would like to Request To Join, please send me your RTJ here:

Please remember to answer the 3 easy questions you will be asked or else I can’t review your request.

Please note, too: if you’re an interior designer requesting to join, you must have a professional website to be admitted to #DesignWealth.

As always, thank you for reading!

I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Design Influencers Conference in Atlanta, [ official hashtag: #designinfluencerscon ] or at the upcoming #TheInnovationEvent in September where I will be the keynote speaker, or at Fall #HPMKT, where I’ll be moderating Laura Muller in a conversation as part of Universal Furniture’s Speaker Series on Monday, Oct. 24th beginning at 4 pm in the Universal Furniture Showroom.

Leslie Carothers, Principal
Savour Partnership

Named One Of Home Furnishing Business Magazine’s Top 40 Most Inspiring Women In Home